queerjs @


This is a meetup where anyone is welcome to attend and support the speakers and the idea but all the speakers will be Queer.
This meetup exists to give a voice to everyone, to make a safe space where everyone is welcome.

Join us! There will be stickers 🌈


Attendees (29)

  • Bezael
  • Alba
  • Esteve
  • Anna Henningsen
  • Salvador Subarroca
  • Ani Chatsatrian
  • Garance Flore
  • Dominika Mulak
  • Pablo de la Gándara
  • Nicole Gathany
  • Andrea Amorosi
  • Paqui Calabria
  • Martin
  • Alex
  • Sara Vieira
  • Adrià Velardos
  • Ignacio
  • Bezael
  • Belén Albeza
  • Jordi Montes
  • Camilla Colombo  Serri
  • Sílvia Mur
  • Sara Kimmich
  • Marina Aisa
  • Alex Garces
  • Alex Ferrando


  • Samsung Internet
  • itnig